NTU Reg No: 200604393R. Copyright National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU), Singapore


Course synopsis

Explore the fundamentals and applications of AI to improve social constructivist learning and inquiry.

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This course equips educators with a foundational knowledge of AI literacy with an integration to learning. Participants will acquire the knowledge necessary to cultivate inquiry-based and constructivist learning environments by utilising generative AI (GenAI) tools. The course fosters a dialogue among educators and practitioners to develop “use-cases” for GenAI in a variety of subjects, allowing them to utilise AI for individual and collaborative learning. It is particularly well-suited for educators who are seeking to incorporate emergent AI capabilities into their instructional methodologies, including computer supported collaborative learning environments.

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the fundamental concepts and applications of AI and learning.

  2. Utilise generative AI tools to support inquiry-based and constructivist learning methodologies.

  3. Analyse and apply AI-generated data to enhance metacognitive learning and lifelong learning.


The course will cover the following areas:

  1. Introduction to Literacy on AI and Learning: Understanding the basics of AI, cognition, learning, and its relevance in education.

  2. Generative AI Applications (Chatbots and Chat GPT): Exploring the applications of a variety of GenAI tools in educational settings.

  3. AI in Inquiry-Based Learning: Using AI to foster inquiry and constructivist learning environments.

  4. Metacognitive Learning with AI (Strategies for Self-Regulated Learning): Utilising AI-generated models to improve self-awareness and learning strategies. This includes AI for collaborative and lifelong learning:

  5. Developing Use Cases: Collaborative sessions for educators to create and document practical AI-and-Learning applications for their respective subjects and lifelong learning applications.


Duration: 15 hours

Date: 18, 19 and 20 November 2024
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Location: NIE campus 

Date: 26 and 29 November 2024
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Location: Asynchronous

Course fee

MOE Participants*Public
Full course feeS$150.00S$825.00
Nett course feeS$150.00S$825.00
9% GST on nett course feeS$13.50S$74.25
Copyright feeS$1.09S$1.09
Total nett course fee payable, including GST and copyright feeS$164.59S$900.34

*MOE Participants include: MOE Participants & Direct Hires Staff from independent schools, Specialised Independent and Specialised Schools


Bring a laptop/device with browser capabilities.

Who should attend

MOE Educators



15 hours

Course date(s):

18 Nov 2024 - 29 Nov 2024

(Closing date: 28 Oct 2024)


Learning Sciences

Who should attend:

MOE Educators


Dr Seow Sen Kee, Peter
Prof Hung Wei Loong, David


Azmi Bin Shamsudin

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