NTU Reg No: 200604393R. Copyright National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU), Singapore


Course synopsis

This course aims to introduce the transformative potential of artificial intelligence for education (AIED) to professionals in the educational fraternity (e.g., teachers and learning or assessment specialists).  As a practitioner-oriented course, it is applied in nature and addresses pedagogical considerations in employing AI for education. As a course participant, you will be able to deepen your understanding of AI and related applications for educational purposes. Additionally, you will have opportunities to critique AI tools on their strengths and limitations, reflect on implications for education, and conceptualise how to use AI tools meaningfully and ethically in your respective contexts.  

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1. Discuss the relationship between learning and assessment in the context of AIED

2. Analyse the affordances and limitations of using AI-based pedagogies in education

3. Critique AI tools on their strengths and weaknesses in educational contexts

4. Propose a lesson plan to demonstrate the meaningful and ethical use of AI in your professional context


Key topics include: 

1. Key learning and assessment concepts in the context of AIED 

2. AI & learning 

3. AI in educational assessment 

4. AI & 21st century competencies 

5. Learner empowerment in AI-enhanced environments 

6. Ethics in AIED/special topic (depending on current trends) 

Course Format and Delivery Options:

1. Course delivery is blended consisting of synchronous online session, asynchronous self-paced learning, and in-person sessions. 

2. Please note that the course dates listed are tentative. The course is planned to run during the January 2026 semester. Once the dates are confirmed, we will update this page immediately before opening the registration portal.

3. For more information about the Certificate in Artificial Intelligence for Education, click here to visit the main page.

4. If you're interested in this course, please register your interest here. We will reach out to you once the timetable is confirmed.

Course fee

MOE Participants*Public
Full course feeS$520.00S$2,860.00
Nett course feeS$520.00S$2,860.00
9% GST on nett course feeS$46.80S$257.40
Copyright feeS$1.09S$1.09
Total nett course fee payable, including GST and copyright feeS$567.89S$3,118.49

*MOE Participants include: MOE Participants & Direct Hires Staff from independent schools, Specialised Independent and Specialised Schools


a) A formal qualification in education or previous teaching experience 


b) Letter of support from the school principal (or head of unit/branch). 

Who should attend

Teachers and educators from MOE and non-MOE schools



52 hours

Course date(s):

11 Sep 2025 - 27 Nov 2025


Learning Sciences

Who should attend:

Teachers and educators from MOE and non-MOE schools


Assoc Prof Choy Doris
Assoc Prof Shanti Divaharan
Dr Lee Vwen Yen Alwyn
Ms Lin Rongchan


Azmi Bin Shamsudin

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Programmes accredited to:

  • Certificate in Artificial Intelligence for Education