NTU Reg No: 200604393R. Copyright National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE/NTU), Singapore


Course synopsis

This course aims to familiarize you with the subject matter knowledge for Lower Secondary Science (LSS). Designed as integrated science, teaching LSS can be challenging for specialist teachers who are proficient in one or two sub-disciplines of science. For instance, physics-trained teachers might be less familiar and confident with the biology content in LSS. Similarly, biology-trained teachers might struggle with the deep conceptual ideas in physics.

While there are many resources available for teachers to learn new subject matter knowledge, some teachers remain anxious as they find it challenge to navigate, to validate and to determine the truth of the myriad of resources on the internet. As such, in this course, we have curated key conceptual ideas for each topic in LSS to serve as sound and strong foundation for teacher teaching LSS to build their subject matter knowledge.

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At the end of each topic, participants would be able to:

  1. Describe the key concept of the topic.

  2. Apply the subject matter knowledge to plan a lesson.

  3. Gain greater confidence and self-efficacy in the topic.

Learning Mode

The course adopts a fully asynchronous learning mode. Through interactive content and quizzes, you will pace your own learning and choose the most convenient time for you to go through the materials.Different topics are designed differently to model for learners how disciplinary content in science can be presented differently.

If you choose a 15-topic package, you havethree monthsto access the materials.
Total duration is estimated to be 1hr x 15 topics = 15hrs.

No refund and no extension of access will be given if you missed the access period.


If you are a biology specialist, you may want to level up your disciplinary knowledge for “Electrical Systems”, “Application of forces and transfer of energy”, “Transfer of heat energy and its effects”, “Ray model of light” and “Exploring diversity of matter by its physical properties”.  To register for the 5 topics package, click here. 

If you are a physics specialist and would like to level up your disciplinary knowledge of biology and chemistry, you may decide to go for a 10-topic package with topics such as “Models of cell- basic unit of life”, “Interactions within ecosystems”, “Human digestive systems”, “Transport systems in living things”, “Human sexual reproductive systems”, “Chemical changes”, “Models of matter – atoms and molecules”, “Model of matter – the particulate nature of matter”, “Exploring diversity of matter by its chemical composition” and “Exploring diversity of matter using separation techniques”. To register for the 10 topics package, click here

Similarly, if you are a chemistry specialist who decides to familiarize yourself with all the disciplinary content for LSS, you can choose a 15-topic package covering all the topics for Diversity (3 topics), Models (4 topics), Interactions (4 topics), and Systems (4) topics.


The topics will be made available for you to choose in NTULearn (Blackboard) after you are enrolled in the course. 

1. Exploring diversity of matter by its physical properties
2. Exploring diversity of matter by its chemical composition
3. Exploring diversity of matter using separation techniques

1. Ray model of light
2. Models of cells – Basic unit of life
3. Model of matter – The particulate nature of matter
4. Model of matter – Atoms and molecules

1. Application of forces and transfer of energy
2. Transfer of heat energy and its effects
3. Chemical changes
4. Interactions within ecosystems

1. Electrical Systems
2. Human Digestive System
3. Transport Systems in living things
4. Human Sexual Reproductive System

Course fee

MOE Participants*Public
Full course feeS$150.00S$825.00
Nett course feeS$150.00S$825.00
9% GST on nett course feeS$13.50S$74.25
Copyright feeS$1.09S$1.09
Total nett course fee payable, including GST and copyright feeS$164.59S$900.34

*MOE Participants include: MOE Participants & Direct Hires Staff from independent schools, Specialised Independent and Specialised Schools

Who should attend

Educators teaching lower secondary Science.



15 hours

Course date(s):



Science Education

Who should attend:

Educators teaching lower secondary Science.





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